Zim Celebs

DJ Levels apologizes for leaked n@ked picture

Music producer DJ Levels has apologised for his leaked naked picture making rounds on social media.

Taking to social media Levels apologised for the picture and mentioned someone stole his phone and leaked the image.

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This is what he had to say

“I would like to apologize to my fans,family,my bosses nemi mese vanyarikani
Please forgive me
Maoneswa zvinhu zvakadai I’m very sorry
I’m not going to blame anyone but myself
Thanks God zvabva zvatopera hachisisina chimwe chakapfuura zvavaita
I promise you never see such again I’m sorryMy Samsung s21 was stolen from pabloz nezuro after a small fight so these where in phone but I’m sure they are done now. I’m sorry”

Many fans have been making fun of him and some girls are now after him.

dj levels2

Meanwhile DJ Levels Instagram account has been hacked by Nigerian scammers.

Many were shocked after his account posted an update requesting PayPal payments to watch certain videos.

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