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Zimbabwe News

Chamisa blasts government over free solar systems for Zanu PF top officials


Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa, says government’s decision to provide free solar systems for top officials at the expense of impoverished taxpayers is a “self-serving” gesture justifying the urgent need for political transformation.

The backlash comes shortly after a local private weekly exposed that at least 100 top government officials, including service chiefs, are having solar panels installed at their homes at the taxpayers’ expense to cushion them and their families from the inconveniences of rolling electricity outages.

A twist in the saga which has further riled an already struggling populace was the revelation that the 5 kilovolt solar system with a market price of US$5 000 is being supplied to the government at a whooping US$14 000 per set.

In an interview with Sunday, Chamisa criticised the move, urging the authorities to appreciate the deep state of hardships which citizens are currently mired in.
“The current leadership has a mind-set problem. It is self-centred and very primitive. Such priorities are similar to those of a goat which simply chooses to eat where it is tethered.

“The current leadership has a mind-set problem. It is self-centred and very primitive. Such priorities are similar to those of a goat which simply chooses to eat where it is tethered.

“Leaders must avail public goods and services for the people. Once you start arranging privileges for yourself .You will not see the problems around. The reality is that our country is in deep problems economically, politically and socially,” he said.

The opposition leader likened Zimbabwe to an animal farm where “some animals have become more equal than others.”

“The country needs a radical transformation, a reformation of manners and a value reset upon a moral revolution. Leadership is about ethics, public service, integrity, accountability and responsibility. Wrong leadership always has wrong priorities. You cannot expect good priorities from bad leaders.

“Leadership is about values. It is a matrix of ethics, integrity and morals. I don’t blame the tail or the senior civil servants .The head leads. The tone is set at the top. We can’t blame the tail for a dysfunctional head. Leaders must be accountable,” added Chamisa.


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