Africa News

Beitbridge-bound bus ambushed by armed robbers

Five individuals suspected of armed robbery, posing as passengers, assaulted a Blue Circle bus heading towards Beitbridge in the early hours of yesterday morning. The incident took place at approximately 2:30 am near the Neshuro turn-off within Mwenezi district, approximately 165 km north of Beitbridge.

The robbers had boarded the bus in Harare and later requested to disembark near Neshuro, where an accomplice awaited them. Upon stopping the bus, the assailants, armed with a pistol and knives, coerced the driver to veer off the highway. They proceeded to threaten the passengers, demanding their money and valuables under threat of violence.

Following the robbery, one of the perpetrators fired a warning shot into the air before the group fled into the nearby bush. Roy Gonyora, the director of the bus company, expressed apprehension over drivers not adhering to safety protocols regarding nighttime stops.

While police are yet to verify the specifics, the incident has garnered widespread attention on social media platforms. In response to such incidents, some bus operators have begun employing metal detectors to enhance passenger security, although it remains unclear if such measures were in place on the Blue Circle bus involved in this incident.

In other news – Gospel Singer Madoda Dee Miraculously Survives Near-Death Ordeal

South African gospel artist Madoda Ngwenyama, known as “Dee,” shares a remarkable testimony of defying medical expectations following a devastating car accident last October. Doctors had initially predicted a long road to recovery, including doubts about his ability to speak or sing again after part of his tongue was injured.

“It all unfolded in October last year during a horrific car crash involving my wife and me. The fact that we survived remains a mystery to both of us. But what I can affirm is that God always has the final say. Doctors do not surpass God, and that is the profound lesson I gleaned from this ordeal,” he recounted. Read More

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