Wicknell chivayo and Mnangagwa

Zimbabwe has become the eighth African country to license Elon Musk’s Starlink to provide satellite internet services, in a deal involving one of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s associates.

Mnangagwa made the announcement on Saturday, revealing that Starlink would partner with a local company, IMC Communications (Pvt) Ltd. This company is owned by Wicknell Chivayo, who is frequently seen in the president’s company.

In making the announcement, Mnangagwa emphasized that emerging technology is “one of the strategic pillars” of his government.

Here are seven things to know about Wicknell Chivayo:

Business Ventures and Wealth:

Wicknell Chivayo is a prominent Zimbabwean businessman known for his wealth and flashy lifestyle. He is the founder and CEO of Intratrek Zimbabwe, a company involved in various sectors including energy, construction, and real estate.

Controversies and Legal Issues:

Chivayo has been embroiled in several legal controversies. Notably, he was arrested and charged with fraud and money laundering related to a $5 million pre-payment for a solar power project that failed to materialize. He has faced multiple court cases but has often managed to evade lengthy jail sentences.

Political Connections:

Chivayo is known for his close ties with high-ranking Zimbabwean political figures. His connections have often sparked debates about cronyism and corruption, as his business dealings frequently involve government contracts.


Despite his controversial reputation, Chivayo has engaged in philanthropic activities. He has made significant donations to various causes, including paying school fees for underprivileged children and donating to healthcare institutions.

Public Image and Social Media:

Chivayo maintains a strong presence on social media, where he often flaunts his wealth and luxurious lifestyle. His posts include images of expensive cars, designer clothes, and exotic vacations, which have earned him both admiration and criticism.

Solar Power Project Scandal:

One of the most notable scandals involving Chivayo is the Gwanda solar project. He received a substantial advance payment from the Zimbabwean government for this project, which has yet to be completed, leading to public outcry and legal scrutiny.

Background and Early Life:

Wicknell Chivayo’s rise to wealth began from humble beginnings. He often shares his story of starting from a modest background and working his way up to become one of Zimbabwe’s most talked-about businessmen. His journey reflects a mix of entrepreneurial success and controversial dealings.