In a deeply distressing turn of events, Chidinma Adetshina, who recently withdrew from the Miss South Africa competition, has reportedly attempted to take her own life. The 23-year-old, who was born in South Africa to Nigerian parents, faced intense scrutiny and bullying that ultimately led to her decision to exit the pageant.
Adetshina’s departure from the competition was reportedly influenced by allegations involving her mother’s past, specifically a fraud case revealed by the Home Affairs department. Despite her focus and commitment to the pageant, these revelations, coupled with the ongoing harassment, proved too overwhelming for the young contestant.
On Sunday night, Mia Le Roux was crowned Miss SA 2024, and Adetshina publicly congratulated her and the other participants. However, the atmosphere of celebration was overshadowed by troubling news. On Monday afternoon, reports began circulating on social media about Adetshina’s desperate attempt to end her life.
A blog shared the disturbing news: “It has been reported that Chidinma Onwe Adetshina made a desperate attempt to end her life. This was as a result of both online and offline bullying about her participation in the just-concluded Miss South Africa 2024.”
The news has sent shockwaves through both the pageant community and the broader public, highlighting the severe impact of online and offline bullying. Adetshina’s experience underscores the intense pressure faced by individuals in the public eye, particularly when they are subjected to discrimination and personal attacks.
Support and empathy from the public and fellow pageant participants have been pouring in, with many calling for a greater awareness of the mental health challenges faced by those in the spotlight. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for compassion and understanding in addressing the pressures and adversities that individuals may face. As the situation unfolds, there is a collective hope for Chidinma Adetshina’s recovery and well-being, alongside a renewed commitment to combating bullying and fostering a supportive environment for all.
In other news – Fatal accident on Seke Road involving three commuter omnibuses
A tragic accident occurred this morning at the intersection of Seke Road and St. Patrick’s, involving three commuter omnibuses. The collision has resulted in multiple fatalities and injuries.
Authorities are currently on the scene, and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the accident. If you have relatives or friends who travel along this route or use these commuter services, it is advisable to check on their safety as soon as possible. Read More